1. You can choose your own Celebrant
Unlike Registrars, you can choose who will officiate your ceremony. It is important that you get the right person for you, someone you can relate to, someone you believe will really get to understand who you are as a couple and individuals. Someone you could potentially see as being your friend! Your Celebrant will come and sit with you or (much more commonly given our current situations) will arrange a virtual meeting to discuss the ceremony and chat through ideas. Don’t be afraid to go prepared with questions and it is better to go through what you really want to make sure you get the best Celebrant for you.
2. Celebrant led weddings aren’t just non-religious. They are ceremonies that are designed all-around YOU.
Instead of you being two names on a list of ten for the day, your celebrant works closely with you as a couple to get to know you properly and writes a ceremony that authentically reflects your relationship, your personalities and your story. Celebrant-led weddings are totally template-free zones. You might be wondering what these ceremonies involve, then, if there’s no church stuff or legalities. The answer is simply and excitingly…….WHATEVER YOU WANT.
There are no restrictions or requirement for how the ceremony should go – just that it needs to be exactly what you want it to be!
3. You can hold your ceremony anywhere you so wish.
Whereas registrar ceremonies have to be held in certain places because of licensing rules (BORING), and Church ceremonies have to be held in, well a Church I guess, you can hold your Celebrant-led ceremony ANYWHERE.
Think back to where feels of massive significance to you two or played a pivotal role in your life. Your Celebrant wedding is all about you, and every single choice you make can reflect that significance. From an organisational point of view, it also means you can reduce faff, as you can have your ceremony in the same space as your reception area regardless of whether it’s licensed or not.
4. You can say what you want
Having a Celebrant led wedding means you are not restricted by traditional words or vows. Celebrant ceremonies are truly personalised and bespoke, and you can get as creative as you like with your own vows. And your input into the script that your Celebrant writes and performs adds to that personalisation and ensures that your guests get a real sense of you in every element of the ceremony. You can add special readings, quirky poems or even lyrics from your favourite song. This is your ceremony and it should represent you in a way that a traditional or a registry office wedding can’t.
5. You can include symbolic rituals
Celebrants are very knowledgeable about how to include other elements into your ceremony. Some great ones to consider include unity candles, sand ceremonies and ring warmings – but there are many others to explore! The great thing about these rituals is that they don’t have to be limited to just the couple. You can involve all your loved ones on the day too.
If up want to know more about why a Celebrant led ceremony might be right for, and to see if I could be that perfect Celebrant, drop me a line at emailme@daveoctavecelebrant.com
#Celebrant #LondonCelebrant #wedding #vowrenewal #namingceremony #engaged #samesexwedding #lgbtwedding #wedding2021 #wedding2022
This is so lovely, and exactly what I would want for a celebration! I couldn't think of anyone better to bring their wonderful energy to any festive event than you Dave!