Why have a vow renewal?

Simply put, a vow renewal is a beautiful way to celebrate your marriage. Maybe you've made it to 5, 10 or even 25 years together and you want the world to know you'd do it all over again. Maybe your first wedding didn’t go to plan. Or maybe you want to re-commitment to each other after a rough period in life or in your relationship. Some romantic eager beavers even do it every year as a ritual!!There really isn’t a wrong reason to renew. The reasons why couples choose to renew their vows are as diverse as the couples themselves. The one thing they have in common is the desire to express and demonstrate the strength of their love and commitment to each other.
According to research by American Express, almost a fifth of Brits plan to or have already renewed their vows – spending £1,644 (as opposed to an average of £32,000 on a wedding!) in the process. Londoners are the most likely to have a second wedding, with 33% saying they would do so.
What happens at a Vow Renewal?
One thing a vow renewal does not involve is legalities so you can celebrate the occasion however you wish. The ceremony can be religious, part-religious or non-religious. You can include any number of traditional rituals, create your own or simply leave them out and con
centrate on music, readings and affirmations of love.
Most couples choose to hire a celebrant (that’s where I come in) for their vow renewal ceremony, to make the occasion more professional and take the pressure off your friends and family. During the ceremony you could repeat the marriage vows you made to each other at your wedding, or you could opt to make new ones. A good celebrant will be able to offer support and guidance on the drafting of vows and will provide examples.
Where should it be?
The sky's the limit, quite literally! You can renew your vows wherever you like, at home, on the beach, in a pretty garden or park, on a mountaintop or even in a hot air balloon—basically, anywhere that has sentimental meaning for both of you as long as you have permission from your venue for whatever you decide to do.
Who Should You Invite to Your Vow Renewal?
When you first get married, there is most likely to be a mix of people thrown together on the guest list from both sides, aunties not to be forgotten not to mention relatives you haven’t seen for years! The beauty of a vow renewal ceremony is that there is less pressure and you’re free to invite only your nearest and dearest if that’s what you wish. This will come as a sweet relief to couples who still have panicky flashbacks to the sleepless nights dissecting guest lists or trying to avoid relatives forced upon them first time round!
Some couples might even choose to have no guests at all, particularly if they have been through a rough patch or are facing challenging times ahead due to ill health.
Overall, renewing vows is a chance to create the celebration you and your partner have always wanted, without unwanted pressure or the need to please anyone but yourselves, planning everything just the way you want it.
If you want to know more about having your own Vow Renewal ceremony and to see if I could be that perfect Celebrant, drop me a line at emailme@daveoctavecelebrant.com.
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